About Us

Neighbourhood is a premium outlet for adventurous reporting, inventive criticism and free-form passionate journalism.

Neighbourhood serves the most culturally engaged, socially aware and concentrated creative market internationally – acting locally and thinking globally.

Our audience demands the best writing, thinking and image-making available. We provide – with a little extra electricity and originality wherever possible.

Neighbourhood has a monthly online readership of 250,000.

In print form we publish hard news, investigative features, memoirs, essays and opinion, along with photojournalism, graphic reportage, satire, travel and poetry.

We extend this vision online at neighbourhoodpaper.com with podcasts, filmed content, playlists, photo essays and animation.

Our newspaper gives us an authentic presence, but our website and social platforms connect us to a like-minded audience internationally.

We appeal to a ‘state-of-mind’ as much as any geo-targeted focus. And see ourselves as part of the future for quality media globally.

Welcome to the Neighbourhood.


Neighbourhood Paper

P.O Box 166
NSW 1300 Australia

(+61) 414 390 996



Jonathan Samway


Mark Mordue

Content Production

Nerissa Kavanagh


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