Editor's Pick
Stumbling Across Stones in Berlin Terror and Art: Unlikely Companions
Yang Tian
I appeared to be standing in the midst of a mass grave. The endless rows of cold, grey, concrete steles resemble a procession of coffins...
Pretty Vacant A letter from New York
Ian Keldoulis
Are luxury stores the victims of success? Our most fashionable neighbourhoods appear like they’ve been looted: a third of the stores in the heart of the city are empty! This retail rot is a new form of urban blight.
Kazuo Imai The People’s Republic, Camperdown, Wednesday 12.06.2019
Mark Mordue
With his woolly grey hair and bow-legged gait the legendary improviser seems more like some kind of cosmic fisherman than an avant-garde musician. Perhaps in Japan this is one and the same thing?
The Youth Are Rising School Strike 4 Climate, Sydney, 15.03.2019
Mark Mordue
It’s a shock to be reminded of the value of physical action and its energy in a digital age of ‘Likes’. As if in being here, and breathing in the atmosphere, something forgotten about people power is, quite literally, reborn.