
Local news, local stories
Death of a Seal If news reports could smile, these ones did so ear-to-ear
by Sonya Voumard
In the way of cute animal stories, the creature was given a name on social media: Sealvester… Then something went wrong. Sealvester’s health went south.
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City of Forgetting Rats, cranes, rubble and politicians
by Clinton Caward
"The Sydney skyline is home to more than 50% of Australia’s cranes."
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The Folding of ‘Crinkling News’ Our only newspaper for children tossed in the bin
by Felicity Davey
Now more than ever, children need to harness the skills of media literacy in order to navigate the world of 'fake news'.
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Real(i)ty Bites Newtown’s knowledge class illusions
by Helen Razer
Newtown is like a real-life Facebook feed: we all agree on important moral matters, and only the foolish dissent.
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The Day the Muesli Died It’s cricket, Jim, but not as we know it
by Tug Dumbly
“I was utterly shattered. I thought our cricket captains were gods. I'll never buy an air conditioner off one again.”
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Don’t Harsh My Buzz The man who loves mosquitoes
by Hannah Bent
“Mosquitoes aren’t a flying dirty syringe that transfer droplets of blood…[they’re] fascinating creatures who are sometimes incredibly beautiful.”
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GSI: Grime Scene Investigation Forensic cleaners have to deal with the messy nature of death every day
by Ross Duncan
“People are living longer, living alone, and dying alone.”
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A Family Escape How the RSPCA ‘Safe Beds for Pets’ program helps victims of domestic violence
by Matilda Gould
In 2004 the RSPCA launched the ‘Safe Beds for Pets’ program in an attempt to combat the alarming trend of abusers using pets as bargaining chips to prevent their partners from leaving the relationship or lure them back after they have left.
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A Bridge Too Far A Letter from Hong Kong
by Hannah Bent
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge is due to open soon. It will span 55 kilometres, physically linking Hong Kong to the mainland. And the moment it does, Hong Kong will become part of China – its ‘mother’ country – in a way it never has before.
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Putting the Subway to Sleep A Letter from New York
by Ian Keldoulis
As NYC’s subway system edges towards collapse a proposal to close it down regularly after midnight is being bitterly fought: “Who are we, London?”
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Going Underground A letter from London
by Will Self
I was in a carriage this morning packed to its filthy steel gills with commuters – a giant canister of corned human – and not a sound was to be heard save for the faint scritch-itch of wired r ‘n’ b.
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The Sydenham Dilemma Creative hubs risk privileging consumption over real creativity and human variety
by Alyssa Critchley
In political and bureaucratic speak, the term ‘creativity’ has become a precinct development catch-all for everything from grassroots arts to pop-up retail, often ignoring ‘making’ in favour of ‘fun’.
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