
Local news, local stories
No Café for Old Men There was only one type of bread…
by Charles Purcell
They came for the Old Men's Pubs. Now they've come for my Old Man Café.
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Automatic For The People Driverless cars in the age of the great motorway splurge
by Leon Batchelor
You can’t have a smart city with dumb projects.
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People Have The Power Joanna Rix can do anything
by Hannah Bent
Fifty-five per cent of people with disabilities working in the arts are self-employed.
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‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ A Letter from London
by Will Self
The city wears its night terrors on its daytime face.
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Hello From The Other Side… A Letter from Johannesburg
by Michael Hutak
Africa is undergoing the greatest mass urbanisation in human history. It can’t afford to fail.
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Breeding Grounds for Trouble Sydney has gone to the dogs
by Sonya Voumard
Dog owners vs. everyone else. This is war.
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Warm and Fuzzy Cops A Letter from New York
by Ian Keldoulis
For years, the NYPD reached out to the community by stopping and frisking them. Now they are embracing a whole new tactic, listening and talking.
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RePreston A Letter from Melbourne
by Ben Eltham
Preston was made famous in Courtney Barnett’s song, ‘Depreston’. But such is the pace of gentrification that most of the music video was shot in the adjoining suburb of Reservoir.
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Relatively Sheltered How to write a housing bubble haiku
by Meera Atkinson
When the letter arrived announcing the sale of the building I panicked… I was horrified at the prospects. Even suburbs I’ve never heard of were beyond our earnings.
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Closing Rikers Island: A victim of falling crime rates A Letter from New York
by Ian Keldoulis
Rikers Island has been called the “byword for brutality”. Now, the jail is being closed.
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Why Sydney’s Suburbs Need a Dog Poo Fairy Disaster from below
by Charles Purcell
For when you've put your foot in it...
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The State of Abortion People power, God’s will, and the law
by Justine Landis-Hanley
Julia* was 17 when she watched, leaning against the sink, two red lines fade into view.
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